CONTRACTS (FY 2022) Contract Renewal - Catholic Social Services (CSS) Respite Care/Personal Care Attendant (PCA) - DISID RFP 01-2021 (CF#2021-14762a) RESPITE2022 (FY 2022) Contract Renewal - Catholic Social Services (CSS) Community Habilitation Program (CHP) - DISID RFP 02-2021 (CF#2021-14763) CHP2022 (FY 2022) Contract Renewal - Catholic Social Services (CSS) Karidat - DISID RFP 03-2021 (CF#2021-14762) KARIDAT2022 (FY 2021) Catholic Social Services (CSS) Respite Care/Personal Care Attendant (PCA) - DISID RFP 01-2021 (CF#2021-14762a) 21.1006 LAT to DISID re Contractual Agrmt with Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Agana dba Catholic Social Services – DISID RFP 01-2021 (CF#2021-14762a) (FY 2021) Catholic Social Services (CSS) Community Habilitation Program (CHP) - DISID RFP 02-2021 (CF#2021-14763) 21.1006 LAT to DISID re Contractual Agrmt with Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Agana dba Catholic Social Services – DISID RFP 02-2021 (CF#2021-14763) (FY 2021) Catholic Social Services (CSS) Karidat - DISID RFP 03-2021 (CF#2021-14762) 21.1006 LAT to DISID re Contractual Agrmt with Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Agana dba Catholic Social Services – DISID RFP 03-2021 (CF#2021-14762)